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Old October 15th, 2005, 03:15 PM
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Default Re: Fear - explained.

Ironhawk said:
Is it really cone shaped, trup? I always thought that it was radial, like all the other auras in the game (cold, heat, etc).
This is the best I was able to find, after a *lot* of time spent with the search engine:

johan osterman said:
The area is area like in spells. 15 area affects 15 squares and potentionally 45 size 2 units. It spreads somewhat erratically from the center so the area might 'lean' in one direction, once again much like with the spells. The area can as HJ suggested 'hit' empty squares.

<small>[ November 04, 2003, 14:38: Message edited by: johan osterman ]</small>
I nonetheless still have the impression that a fear or standards aura tends to radiate forward from the commander, but I admit I can't justify that impression.
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