Thread: Undead Killing
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Old October 29th, 2005, 01:57 PM

shovah shovah is offline
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Default Undead Killing

This is a place for all undead killing tactics and how to conter them and includes all spells, items, nations, units, themes ect

Marignon: sort of a no brainer but alot of people still have trouble facing things such as ashen empire with it so heres my favourite:
try to take atleast some luck and avoid making a prophet until you get the cardinal heroe, after becomeing prophet hes a lvl 6 priest (late game i also try to give him the sword that gives priest bonus) and with boots of quickness hes an undead banishing machine, give him a few knights of the chalice as guards and throw him into battle with the undead alongside whatever priests you can afford (and a healthy supply of reasonably blessed flagelants if possible)

one of my favourite blesses for marignon is either air/astral+fire (if making alot of flagelants) or nature+water/earth/fire if making knights, paladins with f9+? blessing equiped with herald lances, accursed shields and something with reinvigoration/regeneration are infinetly useful againts undead and can also be useful for taking out all those banelords

I have to go for now and will post more later

edit: 40 views and no posts... i feel lonely
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