Thread: Undead Killing
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Old October 29th, 2005, 08:57 PM

shovah shovah is offline
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Default Re: Undead Killing

ive been replacing the spirit helm with wraith crown for etheral and the burning pearls for bracers of protection and it works like a charm vrs ashen/soul autospawns (the paladins have 3 flaming attacks each alon with high defence, high protection and cold resistance 75%
they are also some of the best counters ive found for tartarians (next to my golems

and i know you could gain spells from them all but would a nataraja with 4 herald lances,wraith crown, some armour, boots of giant strength, lycanthrope amulet and amulet of resilence or something else work?
i mean would all his attacks work at his very high strength and x3 damage ?
if so maybe give him jade armour and boots of quickness and possibly some astral for armour negating work?
i mean the herald lance attacks would be 30ish strength each so 90 vrs undead and with astral weapon armour negating aswell. so that would be 360+ armour negating damage (tartarian killer) and thats without factoring in boots of quickness and jade armour
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