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Old November 1st, 2005, 06:52 PM
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Default Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist

Nerfix said:

I like them, expect I think that Forest Fire is a bit too powerfull. I don't think that all that many people lived in woods.

Incadescence is a neat idea and perhaps Detonate could provide a bigger bang if the enemy is larger? A hobbit would produce a small boom while a Niefel Giant would produce a massive explosion!

Call of the Warrior sounds fair but in all honesty I still expect that magical units "pwn" so to say the fleshly units.
You're right that incandesence and detonate are the more meaty spells. Just trying new ideas, I suppose.


Wither Flames: This is an easily castable whole-army buff which instantly extinguishes any units on fire. At the moment, fire magic has no counters to itself, unlike many of the better schools.

Mass Blindness: Does exactly what it says on the tin. High level. If you have spells which enslave, curse and destroy whole armies, why not blind them as well?

Warp Wood: Ripped off from good old Master of Magic. This spell destroys ammunition of enemy ranged units. There is no defence against this spell, apart from keeping your ranged units at a distance to hinder its accuracy. Magical ranged weapons are unaffected.
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