Thread: Max Forge Bonus
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Old November 2nd, 2005, 09:18 AM
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Default Re: Max Forge Bonus

Edi said:
An Ulmish Master Smith with a regular dwarven hammer and 20 percent construction bonus from a site like The Steel Ovens or Banefire Forge hits 70 right off the bat, at which point hammers cost 6 gems and so forth. I'm not sure if bonuses from multiple sites in the same province stack, but if they do and you get more than one construction bonus site in the same place, it'd be a massive imbalance.

It wouldn't have been such an imbalance had there been a cap for "economy" items, such as fever fetish, blood stone, soul contract and such.
Currently this has the potential of simply breaking the game. Who needs provinces/economy anyway when you can alchemize you fire gems after spamming fetishes.

I really dislike this aspect of the game, for the be competitive I'm obliged to abuse it.
I hope the devs will do something about it in DOM-III. I prefer the cap solution then increasing cost and requirements. Because it would eliminate all possible ways to reach a crazy forge bonus and spam items.
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