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Old November 10th, 2005, 07:35 PM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default Re: What it will take for me to purchase Dom III

Sandman said:
Suggestion: Castable perma-upgrades: These are a set of spells which confer a permanent bonus on mundane humans or similar. Fire resistance, demon blood, lycanthropy, undeath, etc. The key feature? Only one upgrade per unit - they don't stack. Even so, it gives you a lot of options to play with when it comes to national troops.
I like your suggestion. Have it with a moderate gem cost so that you have interesting decisions b/w summons and mortal troops: Should I spend these 5 nature gems to give these 25 elite troops the perma +10-15hp? Or should I summon 10 vine ogres? And before people start picking that example apart - I'm not promoting that as a specific spell im just trying to point out a concept.

And I still like the idea of a buildable site which allows access to even more elite national troops. Like say only your Prophet is allowed to build a single site which has some profound cost... Maybe you need to have so many points of total dominion before you can build it. Or it costs an absolute fortune in gold or time? But when this unique nation-specific site was built, you could then produce your nation's uber-elite units.
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