The Saturian v1.1 Deluxe
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It is believed that the Saturian race is among one of the oldest races known to exist in the galaxy. Despite their age, their constant clan wars have kept them from evolving technologically. From what we do know, at one point they had control over a vast stellar empire, with hundreds of planets that they completely strip-mined. They enslaved the populations of these subjugated worlds for centuries before leaving. Not much is known as to what happened, but it is believed that around 2400 years ago the Saturian’s nearly became an extinct race. It is evident that whole populations of Saturians on colony worlds died out completely. Scientist believe that a weaker race with designs on Saturian space engineered a retrovirus and deployed it within Saturian space causing the mass deaths of over thirty billion Saturians. However there is no evidence to support this theory other than ancient artifacts and centuries old data crystals that described a holocaust brought by an invading race of inferior beings. Whatever the cause, the fallen Saturian Commonwealth is back in the game with a vengeance.