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Old December 12th, 2005, 10:04 AM
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Default Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist

And more minor technical wishes:

All related to map-editing. They are just annoying and it is possible to get along without, but mapmaking is a real pain sometimes and these little things would really help and should be easy to obtain:
  • A way to comment things out within .map files. Currently "--#somecommand" is treated as "#somecommand". So Dom2 ignores everything until seeing a "#" and then tries to parse a sensible command. Bad! I would not mind braced /* comments */ to avoid the problem arising from different end-of-line's on different OS.
  • The Mapeditor should alter .map files instead of rewriting/overwriting them. I want a mapediting GUI which preserves my comments and gimmicks (such a placed commanders and units)! Currently, once you used a text-editor you are stuck to edit this way or copy-paste between various versions.
  • The mapeditor should fasciliate renumbering: If I 'add' or 'remove' a white dot in the tga, the mapeditor should be able to recover the mapfile, once I told him the number of the 'added' or 'removed' dot. This is really a pain, as a simple search-and-replace for each-and-every shifted province is not even enough: Code:
    #setland 33
    #commander 34
    #units 35 33
    #setland 34

    So if province 33 becomes 34 after .tga editing and province 34 becomes 35, etc., then I still want 35 archers placed in province 34 and not 35 commanders-as-units instead! Similarly , province 32 should remain swampy when renumbering province 32 to 31: "#terrain 32 32". So this is real pain when doing it by hand.
  • Related to the one before, there should be a "#ignore_prov xy" command, which tells Dom2 to ignore the white dot which would otherwise be province xy. Cannot be too difficult, but would really help when removing editing a map.
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