Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Not sure this has been mentioned lately : I'd like to see blessings that weren't banes. What I mean is, the nature blessing in particular is a screwy one. No other blessing is ever bad, but Nature is for any and all nations with sacred mages. Even when I take a pretender that starts with nature magic, half the time I'm unwilling to bump nature past 3 : Marignon, pythium, ermor, Tien Chi, does anyone take berserk blessing a second time when all their good (or in some cases, all period) mages will go berserk at 1 point of damage and start swinging a dagger instead of casting blade wind?
A flag on commanders that says whether or not they'll accept a blessing maybe? A modification to where mages won't go berserk from the blessing while they've still spells scripted to cast? (Or maybe, at least, a chance depending on MR that they'll cast their spells instead of going berserk?)
*shrug* Maybe it's intentional - Nature-9 is certainly a potent blessing that is supposed to have a drawback to it. But W9 and F9 are also uber-potent, with no drawbacks. Guess I'm just tired of seeing Nature magic being schizophrenic the way Astral is on pretender. (IE : no astral unless it's high astral or immortal. No nature above N3 unless you're either going for N9, or don't have sacred mages to worry about.)
Wormwood and wine, and the bitter taste of ashes.