Thread: SEIV via Steam
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Old January 13th, 2006, 07:37 AM
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Default Re: SEIV via Steam


I have to admit im pretty dissapointed. Even only considering to combine SEV with steam (not important for what, but even the simple thought) feels like Aaron has lost his mind and is looking to make as many $$$ as possible. I was always happy with SEIV being a niche product, but if a game gets in contact with steam, i will most probably not even consider buying it. Im really very dissapointed, on a moralic level.

Don't be silly. The man needs to eat, and it's no skin off your back or anyone elses, so where's the problem?

Digital delivery is FTW as far as independent games are concerned.

Some people may know that Darwinia was released via Steam recently. This was an excellent idea. It made purchasing and acquiring the game very easy. Frankly, I'm mildly irritated with having to mail order everything, and I've got so many CDs already that I've already exceeded my ability to organize them.
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