Thread: SEIV via Steam
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Old January 13th, 2006, 08:22 PM

wilhil wilhil is offline
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Default Re: SEIV via Steam

ahh, I will say it anyway...

this is prety much what I said in the other topic.

Steam is good IF you have a fast internet connection and fast computer only so you only see the benefits.

As I did before when people were complaining, watch my video at max it to full screen, I have a high res, if you dont, it may come up weird, when HL is open in the top left corner, I was seeing that full screen.

Steam is brilliant for digital distribution, and for DRM, it is not that bad.

I will never buy a digital only product unless it is MUCH cheaper, I like to have something to show if I spend money, I on the other hand bought one digital program when they offered a upgrade for half the price, and I could download a iso to burn, I saw no reason not to.

I am against DRM when it affects the end user, I have so many old games (+5 years) that are no longer working due to broken drm software, (I know this as when I used a nocd, it got my game working), DRM seems to only affect legitament users, My post -

If they manage to get a drm that only affects pirates, I would be fine with it, but at the moment it only really seem to affect the propour owner, With steam, I had a hell of a time joining HL2 with steam, but once I did, it is much better, (e.g. look at the vid, you will see the benefits!)

As I said, Steam slows down a game loading SLIGHTLY, and I hate the fact that joining a game is hell, but once you have it is bliss!

I will not get SEV if it is steam only, but it is not, so I am ok, however it is as it says, and cd as well, that is perfect, I hope it is like halflife generations, I have that on cd, I can install it from cd, or like in the video, I can go to a new pc, install steam and play straight away without any hasstle.

people worrying about steam is being paranoid, in 5 years, I predict that if not steam, there will be one digital distribution system that will be big, it is the future. more and more houses get broadband each day, I am in the UK, they have just rolled out 24Mb/s ADSL2+, I like the fact I can load steam on my pc, click on a game, and just load it quickly, I have a fast pc, I do not even see the overhead of loading it.

I have repeated points over and over again here, hopefully it will stick and you will understand!To sum it up : I personally do not mind drm in steam, because as I said, it is invisible to the end user, and the game runs fast, and efficent. I will never buy a steam only game, (unless it is much cheaper, and only available this way), when I can have a physical copy, but I like having a physical copy and at the same time being able to do one click and install games from any pc without touching a cd.

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