wilhil said:
I know that if you live in a area where there is no broadband or fast internet then you will not benefit, and should be able to get a cd, or just so you can play solo.
There you go. Im not only against Steam on a moralic level, but im also waiting for DSL since February 2000. Up to now, im still using dial-up. I could potentially get ISDN, but still, downloading 1000 MB with 56k or 64k wont matter at all, considering it will still take douzens of hours. So there is yet another drawback, another reason for me to vote against Steam.
On a second note, i cant literally state how many times i have heard and read complains about steam. Connection-problems, authentification-problems, even bill-problems. I can say i will try to avoid steam, or any other online-distribution-platform as long as possible, until im basicly forced to use them.
If i think about it, its actually funny. I dont think half-life 2 was cheaper when downloading it, compared to buying it from steam. So to sum that up, its another way for companies to make money. They actually save costs for the medium and packaging (compared to the cost for the platform and traffic), but they dont give their advantage to the customers, interesting, isnt it ?
ADDTIONALLY, they can basicly save those millions of $$$ for copy-protection, which should have impact on the price as well.
In a direct choice, i dont understand why anyone would prefer virtually downloading something to physically buying it. There is just no advantage, no cover, no extras, no $$$ saved, it will probably even take a lot more time.
And i dont see someone stating "I dont have enough place for that tiny box", because that cant be an argument, can it ?
Actually, what exactly is the reason you are downloading something ? I dont see a single advantage, really..
edit: grammar