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Old March 1st, 2006, 11:17 AM
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Default Multi-Player Standard Community Terms

I talked to a couple newer players and a couple of the Vets and everyone seemed to agree that different players have different views of the word NAP.

I myself was very confused when I kept getting different responses from people regarding our agreements. I generally keep the wording very very similar when setting up deals (a few times I cut N pasted), and was suprised to see that I had actually formed very different deals.

Right now, there are two types of NAPs. I will use 3 turn as an example for both.

a) 3 Turn NAP: Both players agree that no offensive actions shall be intiated by either player. If either player wishes to do so, he must give 3 turn notice prior to attacking.

Example: Jotun and Van form a Non Agression Pact on turn 4. On turn 18 Jotun Declares War on Van. The Earliest he could possibly attack on turn 20 (issue orders on turn 19).

b) 3 Turn NAP: Both players agree that they shall not attack eachother for 3 turns. Any and all agreements end in 3 turns.

Example: Jotun and Van form a Non Agression Pact on turn 4. Van has not responded to any messangers. On turn 6 Jotun issues orders, and attacks on Turn 7.

I always assumed a NAP is option A. Option B is something totally different, and imho needs a seperate term. Option B is more like a ceasefire, or TCF (Temp Cease Fire). Personally I don't like the term, as it implies that there was hostilities, which most of the time isn't the case. If anyone else has a better term, by all means....

Imho this is a community issue, and since we are a fairly small one, it wouldn't be that hard to get everyone to participate in coming up with a solution that everyone sticks by.

The second issue is when can someone attack. Multiple people stated that different people interpret the same agreements differently.

Again, even though its a small world here, its a pretty tight one.

Using the example from option A, could Jotun attack on turn 20 or 21? The original statement states that 3 turns notice have to be given. That means 3 full turns. Turn 20 is the beginning of the 3rd turn. The second Jotun hits end, he will have competed the 3rd full turn.

Anyhow, what do you guys think? I don't think anyone wants to go over every word of every deal like a lawyer. IMHO it would be a much simpler world if we all looked at the same agreement and saw the same thing.
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