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Old March 28th, 2006, 03:33 PM
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Default Request for official dom3 wiki from shrapnelgames

Dear shrapnelgames,
please use a part of the huge cash from all those dom3 preorders to set up an offical dom3 wiki right from the start. Wikipedia is not the place to do a overview/discussion of all those new dom3 ages/nations combinations and if we have to live with adds on a wiki it could as well be adds from shrapnelgames. A huge bonus would be that i could log in with my shrapnelcommunity login name. Other games than dom3 would benefit from a wiki as well as soon as the infrastructure is in place.
I know that some people tryed to etablish a dom2 wiki but failed; but if a wiki is hosted or at least made official by shrapnelgames right from the start i bet it would be a success. As for the argument that there already exist a good web-forum: A web forum is not the same as a wiki and has slithly other qualitys. Especially for beginners a wiki (with an entry for each dom3 nation) is a better place to get an impression / look for compact answers about a dom3 nation/age combo than reposting the 200. time a beginner question or browsing all the 199 older beginner question threads and figuring out wich answer is still accurate for the current patch.
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