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Old April 13th, 2006, 02:49 PM
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Default Re: What\'s wrong with this battle?

Round three, SliceyDicey casts Astral Weapon and attacks. All four attacks appear to miss. She has 22 total attack (four stars plus quickness plus pearl) - one ice devil has 20 def, the other 26.
What was his attack rating listed for each weapon when you right clicked on the attack rating.

Round four, SliceyDicey appears to miss eight times. The astral weapon spell should ensure that the minimum damage from a successful hit is well over 20 (~25 str plus 3 from the main gauche).
The actual damage dealt by an armour negating weapon in this case would be 28 + 1d6oe - 1d6oe.

Can somebody tell me how flanking is supposed to work? It's -1 def per attack beyond the first each round, I think. Does that include attacks from the same creature?? ie. is my nataraja's 8th attack going to be with a -7 def penalty for the defender, if all 8 attacks are on the same target?
It's this case.

And if you can't beat ice devils with 43 def and astral weapon, how do you beat them? They both have >20 MR so spells are unlikely to succeed ...
Well, for one, don't cast returning, since you are bound to get hit once in a while.
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