Oversway said:
I recall reading on the forums that special effects are somehow 'seperate' from the weapon attack - so that accounts life drain and accursed shield. Some may call it a bug, especially for life drain.
It's definitely buggy for life drain - makes no sense at all. I guess one could argue that the cursed shield effect could trigger on a blocked attack (ie. a miss).
You may just have had unlucky rools. Also, against ID, why not try the +damage vs undead and demons weapons like herald lance.
I don't think I need more damage, I need more hits! If I could hit the bastards I'm fairly sure the astral weapon would be enough. One hit should have a ~10-20% chance of giving them a battle affliction, and it'd be downhill from there. 8 attacks per round should make short work of them, if only they were hitting.
While I'm here, can *anybody* confirm or deny whether Frozen Heart works on ice devils? Logically it shouldn't work on anything with 100% cold resistance, but you never know with this game - maybe it's not classed as a "cold" attack ...