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Old April 14th, 2006, 02:16 PM
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Default Re: What\'s wrong with this battle?

I assume your not using CB because Bloodthorns got nerfed.

If I'm not mistaken Astral weapon isn't tied to the actaul weapon dealing dmg outside of the weapon damage, so 3x multipler for deamons is still a very good thing.

I have seen Etheral units equipped with defense + luck give magic weilding enemies fits. Its just standard for me...any melee combatant with 1s casts body eth, astral shield and astral weapon. I never cast luck personally if I am concerned about the 5 script limit. Theres 2 really cheap ways to get it, and the other buffs are either impossible to get or really expensive. And normally I never do so end up casting the same buffs.

I'd run a solo test game playing two sides, get both sides equipped the same exact way, and play with your script, then if all else fails, play with your item config. That is if your only option is your one SC vs the two ID's. Massed undead, those Angel toting flambeus etc etc.

NT Jedi - In one of the threads there was mention that there was a sift away from SC's and more towards ground pounding armies.
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