Thread: Too short
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Old May 1st, 2006, 02:56 PM

repeat2341 repeat2341 is offline
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Default Too short

I just bought this game because of the promising demo - you can be a freighter, a pirate, a hero! The reality is pretty disappointing to me - the number of races, ship types, things to do, items and upgrades is really pretty tiny. The largest map is easily covered in half an hour; there's nothing to trade, no way/reason to stay in after the half hour. Even the battles are more or less automated and present no spectacle with the slow impulse speed. I feel ripped off - the graphics are cool (especially the folding effect), the sound is cool, but the gameplay and replay value aren't. For 6 dollars more, I could have had EV Nova. I'm sure there's no refund forthcomming, and I want to encourage the developers, but I'm inclined to post on MacUpdate and Versiontracker about this game. Maybe for $15 I wouldn't feel like I just got my teeth knocked in

Please let me know if there are improvements planned to the main game - I can't imagine the mods doing much of anything to improve on such a small map size and gaming experience.

Wanted more for $25,