Thread: Holy Power
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Old June 18th, 2006, 06:44 PM

Resok Resok is offline
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Default Re: Holy Power

My take on the subject is this:

Blessing is based on belief and adherance to holy scriptures, learning, rituals, etc. Those beliefs are focused on the Pretender god. The pretender god's magical skills represent what powers/strength the god can both use personally, as well as instill upon his followers (after all you cannot give power that you yourself do not posess).

Now how would a pretender god be able to bless his followers with the strength of his faith/belief in..... himself? This is exactly why a pretender god needs his followers... to both spread his word (preaching), build temples in his name, and perform holy(or unholy) rituals and blessings with the strength of their faith and belief.

So in my opinion both from a design standpoint and a lore/conceptual standpoint not giving Pretender gods a 'holy/unholy' magic choice makes sense.

Again this is all just my perspective on the subject... hope that I offered some useful input.

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