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Old July 4th, 2006, 12:28 PM
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Gandalf Parker Gandalf Parker is offline
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Default Re: team victory conditions

I think its thematic that I as Pangaea would need to coordinate my attacks with my ally Ermor so that the two armies dont attack each other. Even with an alliance I dont see putting them together into a big army.

2 humans vs 10 computers I do now.

What I meant by limiting is that we now have more options than any menu will likely give us. And I dont like game-enforced unbreakable alliances.

I dont know why recognition of a team win is important in a game like this. I dont tend to every take it to where the game recognizes the win anyway. In multiplayer game just outputting the scores.html will show you the win before the game would.

Pantheonic victories we already have even if the game doesnt recognize it.

I will admit that having the game messages output would be nice. But it would probably output it to the host server and the host can already get a ton of priveleged info from the log file.
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