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Old July 4th, 2006, 09:16 PM

DominionsFan DominionsFan is offline
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Default Re: team victory conditions

SafeKeeper said:
Alliances between players are possible manually. Adding them to the game as a menu will just limit things.
How so? It works great in RTS games.

Look, I like unfixed teams, too, but I also like fixed alliances that cannot be broken.

I strongly dislike the "accidental battles". I should be able to jointly attack a province with an ally of mine without our armies fighting each other. They don't necessarily need to fight together, although it'd be nice if they somehow could (lining up next to each others or something), but having them be able to fight in the same province without tearing each others apart would be really, really nice.
There was an excellent old turn based strategy game, called Romance of the three fact its a serie..There is RoTK XI..that is the latest afaik..but its only available in japanese/chinese languages..

Anyways in those games you can form an alliance with an AI player for example, and you can launch a joint attack on an enemy province. Im unsure that how the MP works in those games, because the last english version was RotK V. if Im correct and that game is many years old, there was no multiplayer in that part...maybe theres MP in the latest versions.

I always loved that feature, it would be a nice addition to Doms 3.
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