Re: SE5 screenshots ugly?
Ok, you all want to talk about fancy graphics vs game play, well lets look at some games that had those fancy graphics and where they are now compared to SEIV.
Armada I and II - um bargin bins at remote computer stores and garage sales around the world.
Odd I know there are more games out there that focused on graphics over game play, but I just cannot remember them to point them out. However I can point out that despite being six years old, SEIV albeit an obscure little game, is still KING OF THE HILL when it comes to true 4x games and game play.
In fact it is so much the king of the hill that NO Game developer to date has even tried to topple it. Oh sure you can mention Moo3, but we all know how that ended don't we?
Sure eye candy is very very important to any game, but as most of us know, its the game play that tells the life span of any game. SEIV, with its ugly graphics and dated looking UI, is still KOTH and even though SE V's graphics look ugly to some, the game play will tell the tale as to whether or not the game is going to be a success.
So stop the *****'en, and enjoy the fact that we have a new 4x game on the horizon. Either do that or go make your own game and see how easy the whole process is. I am sure non of us here will hold it against if you end up using dated graphics.
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