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Old August 15th, 2006, 01:35 PM
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Default Re: My first post with some questions


A) In windowed mode, if you set to desktop size or more, you will have the same text and button sizes as with 800 windowed, but more map area. You will have the windows taskbar available. This is described in the tuning your machine" section of the "Game Installation" section of the manual.

B) in full screen mode, you will get the screen size specified (say 1024 by 768) - buttons and text will be relative to that. if your graphics card does not "scramble" the palette, you can happily ALT-TAB in and out of the game to the windows desktop.

2) The interface is as it is, as it dates from 1995 or so. Just remember that your mouse is always "live" if a unit is selected. The N and P keys are sometimes a useful way to navigate to particular units, or use the unit list. See the Game Guide for details, hot keys etc. Once learned there is no real problem. The "undo" button can be handy if your mis-click did not cause the state of the game to change (someone fired at you or your move exposed previously unseen enemy etc).

3) The encycloaedia contains all the unit info just like in the game, naturally. It has the info for all units, including the OPFOR. The CD version has extra filtering - e.g. for just the units available at the curent battle date.

4) The AI is far better than the original SSI "tin lemmings horde" which simply rushed the mearest V-hex at full speed. We have removed the various SSI AI cheats (with arty etc) as well, so the AI has to play like a human player.

The best newbie guide is to read the Game Guide. You can find this by running the game Options programme, then going to the Help tab and selecting the "Game Manual" button.

The GG is an HTML document that opens in your browser.

The GG tutorial is a must read for new players, even if you do not actually play the tutorial scenario, you should read through this section. Then the "Game Play Notes" should be useful reading.

These games take some getting into, and generally the best way to learn is by building up experience.

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