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Old August 15th, 2006, 06:17 PM

narwan narwan is offline
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Default Re: My first post with some questions

There's no hitpoints here, just men in units. Units can lose men which reduces their combat effectiveness. You can check each individual unit to see how much men they have left (and how many they lost).

Vehicles can sustain damage due to hits received. That also reduces their combat effectiveness (and can take out crewmen). Again, the specific units infoscreen will show damage. Much more common will be the 'destruction' of a vehicle when hit though.

Likewise, damage dealt is not factored in anything like 'hitpoints' damage to the enemy. A round that hits a tank either penetrates or not, if so it'll damage or destroy the target. The stats you see for units show things like armor thickness, penetration capabilities of guns and for weapons against soft targets (like infantry) the relative damage done if they hit. There is always an amount of uncertainty though, you are never garantueed a kill or certain you'll inflict damage (even when hosing down an infantry squad from 50m with your tanks mg's).

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