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Old August 22nd, 2006, 11:45 PM

Ubercat Ubercat is offline
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Default Re: Introduce yourself!! :-)

I'm 38, originally from Michigan, lived in Philadelphia, PA from 1987 up until April '06, now I live near Allentown, PA.

I tried the Dom2 demo a couple years ago, but couldn't figure it out easily enough, and had too many distractions at the time to make the effort. I kept it in the back of my head though. I went to Shrapnel games about a month back with the intent to finally buy Dom2, and was thrilled to discover that Dom3 was in the works, and would be out soon, so I preordered.

"You're never more vulnerable than when you have both hands wrapped around your opponents throat." -Ubercat

"I'm not convinced that faith can move mountains, but I've seen what it can do to skyscrapers." -William H. Gascoyne
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