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Old August 29th, 2006, 01:42 PM
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Default Re: Simple but ironic question about gems and cast

Graeme Dice said:
Fatigue in general is capped at 200. Any fatigue beyond that causes a great deal of damage. However, this doesn't make spells easier to cast, as the mage must use enough gems to bring the fatigue down to 200.
I was under the impression that spellcasting could only bring you to the threshhold of HP damage, and only fatigue-inducing spells and negative reinvigoration could actually inflict said damage. Never once seen a mage injure himself with spellcasting, even when he was at 97 fatigue or so and cast a spell which would ordinarily bring him all the way up to 200 fatigue.
Fatigue in general is capped at 200. Any fatigue beyond that causes a great deal of damage. However, this doesn't make spells easier to cast, as the mage must use enough gems to bring the fatigue down to 200.
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