Thread: Silent Seas AAR
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Old August 31st, 2006, 02:05 PM
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Default Re: Silent Seas AAR

Turn 24
Another uneventful month. Everyone has been quiet this winter.

Caelum threw some more hawks at me. Belief in him wavered several places. I recruited more troops. I waited patiently.

I guess while I am sitting around waiting for the Caelians to lose faith in their god I will build up an expeditionary force and take some more independant provinces. The border with T'ien Ch'i is strong enough to withstand a medium-sized assault, so I feel fairly secure...

Two years so far and I am still not free of my chains. Still, I am happy with my troops' progress: we have dominated one of the nations that compete for mortals' attention, and even though those mortals haven't yet given us their attention the end is in little doubt. Ghanivallika will conquer all!
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