Thread: Silent Seas AAR
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Old September 2nd, 2006, 12:11 PM
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Default Re: Silent Seas AAR

Turn 30
Caelum's dominion stubbornly refuses to die. Belief in his capital is stronger than ever. Still, the worst he can do is throw out some hawks now and again, so I'm not too worried.

Ananda is attacking the next independant province; Arana is building a temple to replace the one that fell down in the earthquake. Unfortunately all these temples really cost a lot, so I don't have much money for troops.

I'm sending Asamati north east to attack the indepedant provinces to the east of the great forest. He'll give the Gandharvas their first taste of combat. Candakirana summoned another Yaksha skilled enough to cast the meteor-calling incantation.

Short term plans are to take all remaining independant provinces. Medium term plans are to equip a force capable of taking out T'ien Ch'i or Vanheim, and still defend the homelands. I will need to outfit my commanders, research some damaging battlefield spells, and recruit a bunch more troops to do this. Long term: take over the world.
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