Thread: Silent Seas AAR
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Old September 2nd, 2006, 12:15 PM
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Default Re: Silent Seas AAR

Turn 31
Well this is really too funny: Caelum just sent me a message telling me that he has decided to declare war on my nation! It must have taken him months to figure out that that was a good idea!

I guess maybe the difference this turn was that he sent hawks against my capital, rather than some random other province.

Ananda took the independant province to the west and discovered Vanheim. In fact, combined with the reports of Balakrit it would appear that our friends to the south, particularly T'ien Ch'i, have been very busy. Ananda is staying put and searching for some magic sites while I ponder what to do with him.

Asamati reaches the first of the independant provinces to the east next month. Apparently heavy cavalry have been seen there, which will be a new challenge. I am confident Asamati will acquit himself well.

I sense I am near a breakthrough with my research team of Yogis, so I am tasking some of them to the study of Evocation - direct damage to my enemies sounds like a useful thing for my Yakshas and Yakshinis to be doing while they are staying towards the back of the fight.

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