Thread: Silent Seas AAR
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Old September 2nd, 2006, 12:25 PM
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Default Re: Silent Seas AAR

Turn 32
Mostly good news this month: the yogis have made a breakthrough in their research - they have discovered the incantation required to summon a Kinnara. However, Divya informs me that he is not skilled enough in Astral magic to complete the ritual, and he is the most skilled mage I have in that path of magic. I will have to complete the ritual myself, once I am free of this prison.

Ananda found a farm which produces a huge amount of supplies, so I need have no worries about my army starving while in that province. Asamati led his Gandharvas and Yavanas to an easy victory over the independant heavy cavalry.

The only real bad news is that yet another earthquake occurred, destroying another temple. If this continues I will become quite perturbed.

It would appear that Vanheim and T'ien Ch'i are at war: Balakrit informs me that Vanheim is sieging one of T'ien Ch'i's fortresses (specifically a Swamp Fort). He's moving closer to the action to gather more info.

Asamati is continuing his campaign against the independant provinces this month. Two additional provinces require his attention. Ananda is going to preach on the western frontier. Arana is traveling to the now temple-less province to direct the rebuilding efforts. Devasura continues to preach on the Caelian capital, hopefully with some effect. Asisa and Anuprabha hold the southern frontier. Kailasa grows stronger while Vanheim and T'ien Ch'i weaken each other.
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