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Old September 12th, 2006, 04:05 AM
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Default Unfortunate problems of a surprising nature

After having read the "Tuning Your Machine" section thoroughly, and have tried the tutorials to both WW2 and MBT, and liking a lot of the ideas of both games -- I like detailed tactics mixed with light strategy, I do not require up-to-date graphics or sound, the community here seems very very nice -- and I want to like them more, but so far, I am unable to enjoy the game for technical reasons.

That surprises me, since it seems that the game should run much more smoothly on my machine than it does.
My machine isn't great, but it does run other games which seem to require more resources (like F.E.A.R., for example) very well, and runs all Shrapnel-type games (that is: more content, less bling) like a charm. It is a Pentium M 1.86 Ghz with 1gig Ram and a Radeon X700 124MB video card. Nothing wonderful, but gets the job done.

Playing the DL version of the game so far at 800x600 resolution in both fullscreen (to test if it was any better) and windowed mode (my preference), I found that the game bogs down after about 15 minutes. When I click or hit a keyboard hotkey, it can take up to 3.5 (three and a half) seconds for a reaction from the game -- this means that I have been spending nearly 15 minutes just trying to find my units and getting them to move.
This is for both MBT and WW2.
I don't see anyone else with this problem posting here.
I don't really understand, either, since the game doesn't seem to require huge amounts of resources other than RAM, and I should have enough of that.

Any suggestions?
thanks so much
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