I am somewhat new to modding, but I feel up to creating my first mod. This is not just any mod though. I plan to create a World War 2 mod!!!

It is not going to be easy(dom2 does not really lend itself to a scinerio from this time period), but I still think it will be cool to try. Some main ideas so far:
It will start with the Germans and Americans as the playable nations. Each side will have historicly accurate(as much as possible)units.
Possible Units: riflemen, SMGers, engineers, mortar and machinegun teams, field guns and field artillery, paratroopers, tanks(very hard to do), and maybe ships(although it would be the last thing to strive for and it would be pointless to have them, so probibly not). Each unit would have accurate weapons and stats that tried to reflect thier real combat power/range/etc.
Other Ideas: I have heard that it is possible to change what units are effected by summon spells. So it might be possible to give summon spells for paratrooper units to simulate a special drop in any province of the map. If possible it would be cool to turn a spell like "Fires from Afar" into a simmulated long range heavy artillery attack and stuff like that. Also, some new maps would be good.
I am a WW2 buff, so this is all cool to me and I value accuracy. These are just some ideas. So far I have only started on Germany: I have a flag and one rather cool looking SMGer who sounds like a crowsbowman(is there a way to add new sound files?) and fires a slingshot-looking bullet.(LOL) Anyway, I want to know what other people think(like is this crazy or cool or whatever). I have other mod ideas, but I want to atempt this one first. So, comments anyone?