arthurtuxedo said:
All the sliders did was make it very difficult to properly balance...
Huh? It is pretty easy to balance them out... many existing mods do so. PvK Balance mod for a stock tech tree, Adamant, CB, etc., etc.
but we are almost definitely going to see more balanced mods as a result of the new approach.
We have a bunch of well balanced mods for SE4 already. The lack of "sliders" will contribute zilch to "more balanced mods" in the racial setup department.
"Sliders" are great because they are compact. You don't need 8 separate entries to get a good range (eg: -20 to +20 in increments of 5) to accomplish this. MOO2 managed to have a race design screen that put a bunch of options in little space; SE5 fails at this miserably.