September 26th, 2006, 08:25 PM
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Re: OK! Let\'s Shut This Place Down!
Wade said:
Friends! Americans! Countrymen! Lend me your ears!
Everyone go on over to the Official site www.spaceempires5.com and contribute your minds. It's time for a change. We have our own home now. You no longer have to be that brother in law sleeping on the couch, eating all the food, and drinking all the soda or beer.
Come! See the many qualities of our new home. Sure!, there are improvements that need to be done. In due time! Come lend your suggestions! Get in early into the Space Empires Universe.
I can not make you leave. But let it be known that the powers that own this place do not have to come down here to evict you. They can simply, and very effectively, bombard you from orbit! You will have no way to fight them!
Come home to your new place. We welcome you all with open arms.
Anybody got a rope? I know where there's a mighty tall tree...