Re: SE:V, I\'ll be honest
I have to go with Slick & Possum here.
While I respect the interestes and opinions of those who are enthusiatic about SEV, it just doesn't "GRAB" me the same way the other version did. Too many things to work at, too many fixes needed, I don't want to have to mod a game to play it, just a lot of different things combine to suck the interest in out of me.
I know this is an unpopular opinion overall, but it's still how I feel.
On an additional note, I have to agree with Santiago about what Aaron should be doing.
Reclusive or not, if you release a product you need to stay alert and on top of your customers points of view and concerns, rather than just sticking to a few chosen opinions. This forum is a golden opportunity to do just that, and would be a treasure trove for improving what wrong with the game..