Captain Kwok said:
Although you've been biased against SE:V from the onset - long before the demo became available. 
Not that I care. If you like a game, you like it. If you don't then you don't - it doesn't matter much to debate about it. But if it's just a few issues you're having that's preventing you from having fun, share them and pass them on. It's likely you're not the only one feeling this way and lots of things can change right?
Yes, I expressed my personal opinions several times
BEFORE the release of the SEV Demo. I said that the direction SEV seemed to be going didn't appeal to me, or what it's new focus was going to be.
But, having a negative point of view about something you're not fond of when others are is known as biased.
When the SEV Demo was released I downloaded it and gave it a fair try, rather than ingore it, berate it, or comment on it out of ignorance. I am willing to address issues with an open mind because I am, admittedly, right and wrong about things in equal measure.
I tried it, and found it not to be to my liking, to have numerous issues, to be exactly what I was concerned it would be. Like many others I expressed those thought and opinions.
But, having a negative point of view about something you're not fond of when others are is known as biased.
I listened to other points of view and suggestions, tried them out, and still ended up with the same opinion. In fact, I've tried the Demo now several dozen times. I've tried new directions, offered suggestions, the works. It does not grab my attention the way SEIV did, I'm not fond of it, and I thought to express those thoughts here in the forum provided for them.
But, having a negative point of view about something you're not fond of when others are is known as biased.
The issues I have with it have also been expressed by others as well. I added my voice to theirs, not with biased intent to simply tear it down, but in hopes that something somewhere might be done to improve what I feel are flaws within it. It's not a matter of "
just a few issues you're having that's preventing you from having fun", it's a total combination of things as a whole that I'm not thrilled with.
But, having a negative point of view about something you're not fond of when others are is known as biased.
No, I don't like where it went, how much effort goes into playing it now, dealing with the various flaws and bugs, needing to adapt to this or mod that to get what seems like it should've already been there. But, I've also given it
several fair efforts to change my point of view, and it has still failed to do so.
I guess if not liking it after that is biased, then yes - I'm biased.