Re: Growing concern - but optimistic
Well, I've played with the demo 3 times, and things do get easier, and some parts are nice to have, and ...
... but here is the thing. As it stands, SE:V is not a 'Just one more turn and I'll go to bed; no dear, I really mean it this time. Oh, I said that 45 minutes ago? Well this time I really, REALLY mean it !' kind of game yet.
Yes, I think it's probably a better game than it's predecessor, but because of a few previously mentioned UI and visual things, I really just cant enjoy this as much as I should be able to. I'll need to wait for some changes before I can wrap my time into this game. I expect that these changes will be made with Aaron's track record; but if not, "We'll always have Paris(SEIV)".
Until then, besides getting involved in that strange thing called 'Real Life', Shrapnel just started shipping Dominions-3.
I'm thinking I'll be Washy today, I'm pretty sure I was Wishy Yesterday.