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Old October 1st, 2006, 01:50 AM
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Default Re: SE:V, I\'ll be honest

Captain Kwok said:
I can understand complaints about how the UI is clunky or the demo is buggy or the AI isn't optimized, but I can't see how SE players can argue that game mechanics were not improved or gameplay was sacrificed. Seriously the unfair combat of SE:IV was eliminated, ground combat was at least expanded, improvements were made to construction point usage, unit individualization, research, customizable lists, etc - and that's not even talking about the modding capabilities of SE:V versus SE:IV.
I agree...SEV does have many modding capabilities, and the code under the hood so to speak, is going to be very helpful in modding...

Yet...I could have easily lived with SEIV graphics, a non-real time combat engine, and these improvements...
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