I agree with Kana, I'm not very fond of REAL-TIME combat. In multi-ship combats the advantage always goes to the computer as it will give and process orders much faster then I can. If I wanted real time then I would purchase a ‘first person’ action game. I want to be able to sit and drink my coffee while doing combat or be able to pause the action (which never seems to be an option with real time) when something comes up in the middle of combat. The only way to determine if your ship designs are good is to run them in battle where you can see what is taking place and the results of the battle as they happen.
I will wait to hear the reviews on this board before I decide to purchase SEV. I’m not interested in a game that will be corrected after it’s released. I would rather purchase a functioning game out of the box and patch it later to improve it, but if the game is not similar to SEIV and what’s new is what doesn’t work, then MM missed the point of releasing the game.