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Old October 2nd, 2006, 03:44 PM
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Default Re: SE:V, I\'ll be honest

Well there is a computerized version of SFB, its called Star Fleet Command. It is bascially an RTS tactical engine, on top of a hex-based strategic engine. Sound familiar? It was programmed with a majority of the SFB rules, except that instead of turns, they used time. Again sound familiar? While I enjoyed it, especially if you slowed down the timer (again familiar), it still in the end wasnt the SFB you play on a table top.

As for RTS 'tactical' games I like, the Combat Mission series, is by far the best. You basically have paused real time turns. You give orders to your troops, and then you press end turn, computer or other player puts in their orders, then they end turn. At that point the turn runs for 1 min. During that minute all you can do is watch what happens in shear terror, hoping all goes your way. Rinse, wash, repeat. Again this sounds vaguely familar. The problem that now lies with SEV for me, is that with the scope of the number of ships, and units available in 'tactical' combat, plus with bascially a poor interface, makes an unenjoyable 'tactical' experience. I for the most part will be playin simo games anyway, because of PBW, or PBC, and in single player, because it tends to be more fair to the computer and vice versa...

So basically the graphical combat engine is just an over glorified 3d movie of combat results.
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