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Old October 3rd, 2006, 09:17 AM

Barnacle Bill Barnacle Bill is offline
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Default Re: SE:V, I\'ll be honest

Kana said:
Well there is a computerized version of SFB, its called Star Fleet Command. It is bascially an RTS tactical engine, on top of a hex-based strategic engine. Sound familiar? It was programmed with a majority of the SFB rules, except that instead of turns, they used time. Again sound familiar? While I enjoyed it, especially if you slowed down the timer (again familiar), it still in the end wasnt the SFB you play on a table top.
I played it, too. You are right - it wasn't really a computer SFB but a computer game based on SFB material - because of the RTS combat. It kind of illustrates the point I'm trying to make, though. A clever TBS implimentation of SFB on the computer could have eliminated much of the tedium & speeded game play without changing it into an entirely different game. Similarly the issues with SEIV combat could have been resolved without going RTS - via a clever implimentation of a SFB-like proportional movement system and the ability to order formations to procede to a designated location (vs a click-fest of moving it individual hex by individual hex).
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