Thread: Tachyon Sensors
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Old October 4th, 2006, 09:15 AM
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Default Re: Tachyon Sensors

As I can't mod the component.txt file in the demo (tried it), could someone who has the full game test the following situation please:
If you mod the tachyon sensor range to level / 5 (original * 1) you should get at maximum tech level a range of 7.4.
If you have now a ship with both basic sensor and modded tachyon senor: at what range will it detect a cloaked ship (maximum level)???
a) as I hope range 7 or 8.
b) at range of the basic sensor (more than 20).

If b) is true then just the maximum range and maximum sight level of both component are combined, which I would call a bug.
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