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Old October 4th, 2006, 03:20 PM

Major_SNAFU Major_SNAFU is offline
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Default Re: Growing concern - but optimistic


I've played with the demo a good bit more and it has grown on me, no doubt about that.

I have some quibbles about the controls here and there. I really don't like the ship design where I have to release the component I have selected to switch between decks. The game should either drop the component when I click on something else or it should allow me to click with a component selected.

To make me traverse the screen twice to change decks is frustrating.

I offer that as an example.

I do like some of the menus, etc.

One thing I could not figure out, but that I thought was supposed to be one of the big changes for SEV was to have multiple construction queues on the same planet. I could not figure out how to do this.

I have always thought it a bit silly that one can't build a spaceship, a weapons platform, a facility, etc. concurrenty.

It would be like saying that the U.S. has to shut down all other manufacturing while we build a space shuttle.

There should be 4 queues on each planet.
Units (or what ever it is called)

But over all the look and feel is growing on me.

I figured I should give a report since I started this conversation off.
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