Thread: Manual Typos
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Old October 6th, 2006, 01:50 AM
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Default Re: Manual Typos

p.3, 1st paragraph: "'re going to find out that there is a lot of learn." should be "a lot to learn"

p.37, 11th paragraph: "Capsule Screen The income, resources, and dominion in a province can be displayed (and toggled off) by hitting the [5] key." should be "the [4] key."

Wicked manual. I can't believe so much useful info is in one place. I am sooooo glad that resources and forts is in there. I always wondered if those heavy brown line impassable shared resources or not. Now I know that I had a crappy start as Ulm in my last DomII PBEM game! I had 2 or 3 territories across heavy brown lines, and they were all the local resource high ones.

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