Re: Weird World of Dom 3 (UnHuman Pretenders/Natio
I've been doing this myself, but I just modified a few nations in the middle and late era, nothing brand new:
Here is one of mine:
C'tus: the first two ages of C'tus are merged into one age (the early age). Desert Tombs takes the middle age. In the third age C'tus leave their ancestral lands, fleeing the growth of the desert and merge with pythum
As the dead legions of Ermor grew in power the Therugs of Pythum lead a campaign against their unholy neighbour, unsuccessful they left Pythum with no army and no leadership. Fortunately legions of migrating Lizardmen were settling in Pythum's vast swamps, with them they brought order, government and most importantly powerful sauromancers skilled in the ways of death to combat the threat of Ermor.
With the fall of the church the people of Pythum-C'tus turned to following the teachings of the C'tus priests, and interestingly year on year the humans resemble their lizard friends a little more, this is considered a good thing, not only are the lizardmen physically superour but they brought you stability, safety and even you're religion you'd be happy to see you're baby as one of them. And its about time another species one uped the humans!
The C'tus's carnivorous slaves (forgot the name) were let lose, the migration was hard enough even without trying to bring them along.
Because both the two nations have had recent population falls (migration & war respectively) the army is lacking in normal troops, what ones it dose have consist of lighter ex-huam skimishers and lizardmen who took the heavy legion model, then realised that as they are stonger than humans they can carry more heaver weapons & armour. However Pythum-C'tus' real power comes from its incredible magical order. Enough Therugs were too old, scholarly or plain cowards to join the war, they kocked heads with the powerful Sauromancers of C'tus to produce one of the most powerful magical orders ever.
National spells are different, the swamps of Pythum don't have all the beings once summoned by C'tus, and the Therugs have lost the knowledge needed to summon some types of angels, however by combining their knowledge new summons were created.
E.G. Death + angel summoning = Grim Reaper esque Angels of Death. They won't touch living or demonic units but will stop at nothing to send the undead back to the afterlife.
Hydra's are still around, as always.
Its great fun, I'd love to see what you came up with