Re: Weird World of Dom 3 (UnHuman Pretenders/Natio
Here is something I've thought up.
Inside the earth, beyond the caverns where the Pale Ones are realms so alien they could be places beyond the Spheres. They are vast realms of strange life, the blue-litten K’n-yan, red-litten Yoth, and finally the black, lightless N'kai.
No scholar knows how long N'kai has existed and it existed only in manuscripts of Lore Masters who had been driven insane by their dark knowledge.
But now N'Kai has bubbled through vast caverns into the surface world. N'Kai is Hunger Without Thought, an oozing legion of fungal and slimy monsters. They creep forth at night.
Human cultists of the Oozing Legion appear first. They gather strange cults together in preparation of the invasion of the eldritch horrors. Next, small villages vanish and people speak of dark monsters haunting the lands. The cultists of N'Kai poison food and water with the foul Rot of N'Kai which swiftly turns humans into rotten slaves of their inhuman masters.
And soon the lands have turned desolate, populated only by decaying, soulless servants of N'Kai and even more alien monsters that have come from the depths...
The inhabitants of N'Kai include oozes of varying colour with purple ones being the most inteligent ones, Yuggs, creatures that resemble large flatworms, the vaguely humanoid myconids and other fungal creatures, Formless Spawns, creatures most closely connected to the horrifying god that created the underground life, and Shoggots, amorphous servants of some even more sinister, ancient god.
N'Kai also have various semi-undead creatures under it's control. Some of the creatures from the lightless realm spew pollen that drive creatures that contact it insane. And as time passes the pollen starts to grow in the hosts body, turning it into a pained, mindless servant of N'Kai. The fungis can also create fungal Manikins of sorts.
The human cultists of N'Kai start off Diseased when recruited and they turn into amorphous, mutated horrors when they die.
The priests of N'Kai can Assimilate Population by spreading the Rot of N'Kai. This is similiar to Reanimation and is conducted by it's priests but it always consumes living humans to make various terrifying creatures out of them.
Shoggots which can assume a large humanoid form for spellcasting or a vast slimy form for melee combat and Formless Minds, vast mutated oozes with crystalline and resinous formations popping out of them lead N'Kai. The Formless Minds dominionsummon various Formless Spawn.
N'Kai has Death, Nature, Water and some Astral magic.

"Boobs are OK. Just not for Nerfix [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Smile.gif[/img] ."
- Kristoffer O.