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Old October 9th, 2006, 05:39 PM

Bloodstar2 Bloodstar2 is offline
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Default Re: Are we paying more for less?

OK, I obviously have 18 hours working day like Shrapnel today.

Listen, let's calm down - I don't want that this become unobjective harrasment of fanboys toward me or anybody who says his opinion. I already have seen this kind of behaviour at Paradox Entertainent boards and Matrix boards. We can tell all our opinion in a civilized way - and hell I don't have intention to argue with hudreds of angry fans (

First, I own web shop for selling PC & video games etc... Also I was game journalist for more than ten years, I know all big faces of games industry. No, I am not boasting but my knowledge of game industry is very big.

Dominions 3 is not the game like World of Warctaft for example. I bought some quantities of WoW for selling on my web shop and suddenly Blizzard have lowered the prices of that game so now I am selling this game at 0 profit lol.
So, I am not arguing LOWERING prices of the games now just for the sake of arguing. Dominions 3 is different game than most of retail games and D3 price once set will not go down like Quake 4 etc...

Why I pulled Heroes 5 out? Believe it or not that is main competitor now to Dominions 3!It's TBS, and fantasy. Heroes 5 have some diffenence to Dom 3 - it's big mainstream title but that don't nececary means that it is bad. Quite contrary, Nival, Russian dev., have pulled excellent job, game is even selling with nVidia 7900 cards bundled, graphics is gorgeus and gameplay is excellent.
Now, due to it's nature HOMM 5 is quite expensive game - first Ubi Soft payed 1.3 MILLION US$ just to get rights for now defunct 3DO (ok for whole M&M universe), then game alone costed VERY, VERY MUCH to produce, I think 5-10 million $, marketing and PR cost were also high.

Now what this have to do with Dominions 3 you may ask?

Well, as much as you can argue that Dom 3 is artistic, niche, mumbo jumbo, indie game, small budget, less copies expected to sell etc... BUT! Again, for me it is quite ridiculous and slap in the face of the fans (at least those who can rationally asses this situation) to price this game at 55 $.

Suggestet retail price for HOMM5 is 49.95 $. Many web sites are selling HOMM5 for 40 $ or even as low as 30$!. Now, if you had set price for Dominion 3 to 49.95 $ same like HOMM 5 that is even then higher than HOMM 5 as retail outlets and web shops will have relatively smaller prices on HOMM5.

All, arguing that Shrapnel knows best what price to put, OK, I can agree with that, but that don't means that I must comply with that reasoning and yes I have bought the game but certanly will not do that again if Shrapnel again decide to slap mi in the face.

Even my opinion is here not important - it's important how you treat your fans. I am not attacking Shrapnel and this is quite honest my approach to them so I politely ask that fans cool down and that they don't need to defend Shrapnel. I didn't attacked them, I just have expressed my opinion on this. So, fans cool down please.

I have no objections to pay even 99$ for NEW ORIGINAL DESIGN AND NEW GRAPHICS ETC:.. Of course nobody will charge that much but I have gladly payed 65 $ for Distant Guns game from SES. It is about Russo Japanese war and game that fits my term - niche within a niche. Developers have made a game about obscure war, very brave move, they didn't followed usssual approach Normandy - Bulge - Market Garden that many wargaming companies do.

Dominions 3 is SEQUEL, it is great game I am sure but it is a sequel. Even manual is not excuse to price it at 55$.

Now, you can all disagree with me, I have getting used to Usenet and have thick skin in that regard and I will stick with my opinion.

I will play the game but bitter taste will remain.

But, I will certanly not put my head in the sand and applaud any move that I don't feel it is right. Sorry just cannot do that.

Regards to everyone and no hard feelings ok.
