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Old October 10th, 2006, 08:30 PM

PheasantPlucker PheasantPlucker is offline
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Default Re: Bug thread

Major Bug: When any single member of a missile squad is - or becomes - unable to shoot, the entire squad will stop shooting and immediately charge in to close combat.

This is having major repercussions. It arrives most commonly through injury in battle (eg. lost an arm), but can also come about because of disease, spell effects, or unit capabilities such as spirit form for the Yomi. It also prevents Marvarni Horn Blowers and the like being attached to missile squads.

Not only does the missile fire stop, but also as most missile troops are hopeless hand-to-hand they usually get slaughtered.

While I'm currently seeing this in solo play, I can also imagine that it could be an horrendous exploit in multiplay.
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