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Old October 10th, 2006, 05:53 PM

DominionsFan DominionsFan is offline
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Default Re: Huh? AI implodes on turn 5, please tell me why

Anyways guys, all of you who want AI improvements must be patient if you ask me. [also the modders must be patient] I think that the first 1-3 patches will totally focus on bugfixing. So please, don't even start to "whine" when you won't see AI improvements in those patches, don't forget that only 2 devs are working on this game, and they don't have that much time to add new things, if there are lot of bugs, because bugfixing is always on the top on the priority list.. Not to mention that the devs cannot work on the game 24/7, since they have a job also.
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