October 11th, 2006, 12:39 AM
Join Date: Dec 1999
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Re: SE:V Manual Released
By the way, amusing little tidbit in the SFI EULA:
"You may not: ..Alter, decompile, modify reverse engineer or disassemble the Software, create derivative works based upon the Software,..
..Upload or transmit the Software, or any portion thereof, to any electronic bulletin board, network, or other type of multi-use computer system regardless of purpose"
Wouldn't that technically forbid mods?
That wouldn't technically forbid mods -- that totally forbids mods.
Did S1 just copy the warranty from Shrapnel since although they are in Canada they are quoting Shrapnels location?
That's correct. They took our License Agreement word for word and then just changed the publisher from us to them. They didn't even change the location 
Tim Brooks
Shrapnel Games